As you may or may not remember, last week we previewed the new EP from Think2wice records--Wait A Minute by this dude Inflect. Well the EP dropped today, you can grab it RIGHT HERE, and we sat down with dude to get a little more personal information for you guys; what transpired may change your life...or may not I guess but hey there's a free remix at the bottom so read all the way through!!
MTH - Who are you dude? Name, Aliases, Location
I - Dude, who are you!? Haha! My name is Brett and I make all sorts of bass music under the name "inflect", currently living in Lincoln, NE...soon to be living in LA.
MTH - What's up with your live electronica band Somasphere? How'd you guys link up, what's going on with the band now?
I - About 5 years ago, we meet through mutual friends and shared musical interest. Since then, we've played hundreds of shows from Denver to Chicago and everywhere in between. The band is a hybrid of traditional instruments (guitar, bass, drums) and electronic instruments (drum machine, synth, computer). We are currently playing our final shows for now, as I am moving to LA in a few months. It's been the greatest 5 years of my life to play music with these guys. We are taking a hiatus while i'm out in LA but we will play again! Count on it :-)
MTH - Your latest release, Wait A Minute, drops today on Think2wice...what's the inspiration behind this single?
I - Most my inspiration for this release came from footwork and trap music. I wanted to experiment with those tempos and put my own twist on it. You'll hear a lot of classic 808 drums, retro style synths and plenty of chopped vocals.
MTH - What's your favorite type of food?? Any specific dish?
I - Love Thai and BBQ but all time favorite has to go to...sushi.
MTH - Nebraska...not exactly known as a hub for electronica...what's it like giging around and trying to carve out some space in your town?
I - The scene in Lincoln/Omaha is growing exponentially. We have great venues and promoters that book quality national acts and amazing local talent. It's a bit harder for someone like me, who's not doing mainstream/popular edm styles. But, I love being a catalyst for change and diversity in the scene and I have an awesome crew who fully supports it.
MTH - You've opened for some known artists (Bassnectar, Dubbel Dutch, etc), can you pinpoint a favorite performance/act you've shared a stage with?
I - It's crazy to play in front of big crowds with acts like Bassnectar, Pretty Lights, Glitch Mob, etc. But some of my favorite shows have been in more intimate venues with people like Salva and Machinedrum.
MTH - When people see Inflect on a bill, what can they expect?? Is there a specific sound/feeling you want to exude onto people?
I - Expect original music and tasteful selections that cover a broad spectrum of styles. I try and react in the moment and keep it fresh, not only for the crowd but for myself. I'm all over the place in my sets but I think that's how it should be.
MTH - What is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you at a gig?
I - Let me tell you...i've seen some weird shit. I don't even think I can say the weirdest shit i've wouldn't believe me.
MTH - Besides the Wait A Minute single, do you have anything else in the pipe that you want to let folks know about?
I - Got a couple remixes i'm working on at the for Rot10 Musik that should be out late this summer and another for #FEELINGS. Just released a Kastle remix on Seclusiasis and a free EP. Other than that, i'm constantly making new music...check soundcloud for new beats and such.
MTH - Do you wanna say what's up to anyone??
I - Shouts to Think 2wice, Brent Tactic, Danny Corn, $pencelove, BASSthoven, Cake Eater, Lincoln and mac n' cheese
Grab the Nadus Remix of "Wait A Minute" exclusively from MTH RIGHT HERE!
Hey, Brett, Sauce here.. Nice work, friend; you deserve it! =)